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How To Get Backlinks For Free?


  How to Get Backlinks For Free?

Backlinks will give your site/blog AUTHORITY. Google is now focusing more on "Authoritative Sites" than just the normal sites/blogs. So, if your site has high authority on a particular domain, no
doubts, that it will rank higher on the search results, than just any other site with less authoritativeness.   

Backlinks-for-Free!!! From-Authority-Sites

And to gain AUTHORITY-you need high-quality backlinks.


When another highly authoritative site on your niche refers to your site to their readers, your site's authoritativeness increases. The other site refers to your site, by sending traffic to your site. They do this by creating a link in their site that redirects to your site. That's called a backlink, and if it comes through a high-authoritative site, then it's a High-Quality Backlink. 

Note: It should not just be a link coming from another site to your site there has to be relevancy in that link.  

What Do You Mean by "Relevancy of a Backlink"?

It's obvious that your blog is focussed on some particular niche, and you write posts (content) based on or relate to that niche. You must also be focusing on some particular keywords to rank for. Now to get relevant backlinks, those backlinks should come from the high-authority site on your niche and they should bring relevant traffic to your site. 

The "Anchor Text" Matters

The text on which the backlink is created is known as "Anchor Text". For example- your site is on the "Beauty" niche and you have published a post on your site which is based on "How to Take Care of Your Skin in Summer?". Now a backlink is created on another site that redirects to your site-on this particular post "How to Take Care of Your Skin in Summer?"

So the anchor text on which the backlink is inserted should be relevant to that post and the topic that has been discussed in that post. And of course, the site from which the backlink is redirected to your site should be a high authoritative site on the "Beauty" niche.  

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